I got it for free at

Links to Druidic Sites

The Druidism Guide: The VERY BEST SITE for a complete view of Druidism
Bandarach College of Druids: A College of Druidic Studies with FREE courses that grants certificates upon completion
The Henge of Keltria Homepage: A Druid Organization with a more Celtic tradition
The ADF Homepage: The largest Druid Federation in the United States
Isaac Bonewits Homepage: Probably the foremost authority on Druidism in America and the founding Archdruid of ADF
IMBAS: Imbas is "old Irish" for poetic inspiration. A Celtic Reconstructionist site whith a wealth of info and links
The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids: One of the largest organizations in Europe. A very visual site with a well respected home study course
Frenchy's Temple of the Bizzare: My tongue in "TREE" page of humour with links to my cyber clan and the chatroom i currently preside over..with pics too!


For an unique experience, enter
into Herne's Shrine. Here is a place for quiet reflection.
So either just listen to your heart beat
Or pop some Enya into your cd-player.
So come get away from the busy,noisy web for a few minutes.
Enjoy!- Your host,Frenchy

Frenchy's TEMPLE of the TREES Druid Info Site

*** Updated with new links August 2002 ***



* Welcome and blessings to all! Here we are in the
* anteroom of my inner temple! All may enter and share
* in my joy. A spiritual life is as much a part of what we
* need, as food and drink. Inside my temple you will
* find all kinds of information. From the serious to the
* silly and all shades in between. Hopefully you will see
* how my Druidic learning has made me a more rounded
* and grounded individual. How faith and family are made
* stronger by belief in the kindreds, which we all share.
* As you see, my primary deity,CERNUNNOS,watches
* over me as I sit here with you. So, come friends and enter
* my grove and see what i live. Follow the link below to
* pass into the temple grove and please use the links on the
* left to travel to sites where more knowledge than I can
* impart can be found. Peace and Blessings upon you all!
* May Cernunnos keep your path clear of brambles!

click on the link below to further
into the temple grove
You will find my webpage for some of my items which I created and restored.

You will find Ancient Jewelry, Rune Sets and Games there.


Here are my pages for, Celtic Druidic
and Tree Lore information

CLICK HERE for my NEW pagan father's page!
Please Note: I will be updating this page during Sept. 2002 with my latest insights into Pagan Fatherhood!

Read My Dreambook !
Sign My Dreambook !

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